• Your requests are secured with SSL certificate if you are using HTTPS (which we strongly recommend).

  • After receiving a request we create a temporary directory with a hashed path. 

  • The directory will be deleted 5 minutes after a successful conversion.

  • All the sensitive data is never stored in log files

  • All the passwords are encrypted in database

  • All the database backups are encrypted

  • Only few necessary personnel have access to server in case of emergency and for regular maintenance

  • Implementing strict input validation to prevent injection attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

  • Utilizing session management techniques to prevent session hijacking and fixation.

  • Implementing proper error handling to prevent leaking sensitive information through error messages.

  • For the payment process HTML PDF API uses Braintree. Braintree is an online payment service compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). Braintree API can only be used through SSL. SSL is a protocol that ensures data and communication privacy between the client and the server. HTML PDF API encrypts data and sends it directly to Braintree ensuring transaction safety.

  • All sensitive client-server communication is secured using a HTTPS protocol.

  • More info: